วันจันทร์ที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

My E-Commerce experiance

Online shopping can be handy, but I've never liked having to share my contact and bank details with a lot of sites, so I restrict my online shopping to only a couple of sites, ebuyer for computer stuff and play.com for entertainment, books etc. both stores I have only had good experience with.

The only bad experience I have had was when I first started online shopping I tried Amazon to order some books, after putting through my order I was notified that the they would be out of stock until February (it was only October). I let the order sit because the books were hard to get, February came and went, and I was notified that there would be no restock until April, at that point I cancelled my order and account and have never used Amazon since.

