วันเสาร์ที่ 25 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2558

My user name

Nowadays, there are many people who using user name in social network that are difficult to identify that name is exactly who are them such as using cartoon name or setting their new name. Therefore, I always use my user name that it easy to identify that who am I.

My user name in instragram is 'PPLOYWAN' because my name is Ploywan and my nick name is Ploy, the first P means Ploy. And my facebook's name is Ployy Charoensook that come from my nick name and my surname. And the last one is Line, my name's Line is 'Ploywan', come from my name too. I always use my name and surname because it is easy for others to know that social networks are belonging of me.

